E. J. Walsingham







Dwyer on Amazon

16th Feb


Patience is often rewarded on ebay and amazon. I check on my wishlists most days and the Dwyer book has been there since my January post. The two expensive copies were still there this morning priced at £152 on Hinoyama, £139 at the Walton Bookstore and £1.85 at betterworldbooks.

[spellchecked to here]

Dwyer, Concrete
Dwyer, Concrète

14th Jan

Music Concrète

A late show on BBC R3 last night featured the sound recordist Chris Watson who said that one of his early influences was Terence Dwyer's Composing with Tape Recorders: Musique Concrète for Beginners (1971). I am sure I used to have this book when I was a kid (well, I was 17 when it was published) and started doing the exercises. I cannot imagine that I would have passed it on to an Oxfam bookshop, but a quick check upstairs didn't find it. Online prices are at the common outrageous levels, today, starting at £91.47 on Amazon (two copies available). Fortunately, there is a PDF copy available (at the time of writing) here on monoskop.

There's a piece on Dwyer here.

Korg 2600
Korg 2600


Arp 2600

While I was waiting for news on the Behringer 2600, along came Korg with their own version, launching in 2020 - link. The only downside is the price of £3,500.
Now the Korg Odyssey costs £779 an the Behringer Odyssey costs £399 (or less). Does that mean that the Behringer 2600 if and when it arrives might sell for £3.5x * 8/4 = £1,750? I'd stretch to that, but is it worth waiting?

ARP 2600
ARP 2600



I have been interested in synthesisers since Wendy was Walter. The back bedroom has crates of eurorack modular units that I have not touched for several years but I will fire it all up again someday.

I have been tempted recently by the sensibly-priced Behringer ARP Odyssey clone (Korg make one too). I formally state herewith that if and when Behringer clone the ARP 2600, provided it does not cost much more than £1k I will buy one and rebuild the studio. Recent rumour here.

More on noises here.

Marlow Moss c. 1937
Marlow Moss c. 1937


Marlow Moss

In the days of my Mondrian obsession, I came upon Marlow Moss, who worked in the same space as PM, though their relationship on various levels is a matter of opinion and debate. I became acquainted with Lucy Howarth, the authority on Moss and in 2017 registered the MarlowMoss.com domain and spent a few months building a web site based mainly on Lucy's PhD research and the few other sources available. Lucy was not impressed as so much of the information was out of date and she thought it might jeopardise delicate her relationship with other researchers and those who now hold what little is left of the Moss estate. I deleted the site and let the domain lapse (it was soon snapped up - I'll look up the registered owner).

It seems a shame for that work to go to waste, so I'll set it up in this backwater as a sub domain.

[10Oct19] This is on hold while I sort out technical issues.




I'll set up an interesting links page. Urgent items are a logo and a first banner image — perhaps some Mondrian, despite my comment on About.

[Later] I took the easy option and borrowed a banner from BAPhot. And the first contents page is poetry.

I am considering setting up three random images on the home page, one each from Green Ted, BAPhot and from other photographers. A starting selection of 25 each should do.

[5Jun] Initial logo chosen, obvious really. Thanks to fontspace.com for the Bigger Love font. It may be refined later, but there seems no need for fundamental change.


Just Started

This is a new site, set up because of a domain sale. The name is explained on the About page.

Page created 01-Jun-2019 | Page updated 16-Feb-2020